5Mhz NET

First Real QSO on 5MHz – Surprising Results!
Caught up with some friends today on their 5MHz net. It’s the first time I’ve really used the 5MHz (60m) military band for more than just a quick signal report.
I wasn’t expecting much due to a small issue with RF getting into my shack, which meant I had to run at a very low power—just 5 watts! Despite that, I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
Even at QRP levels, I was still getting 5/9 signal reports from stations across the country. It really goes to show how effective the 5MHz band can be, even with low power.
This experience has made me want to experiment more with low-power HF operation, and I might try different antennas or see how far I can push QRP on 5MHz.
Have you had any interesting contacts on 5MHz? Let me know in the comments!